Isaiah 42:1-4
The Servant of the LORD
1 'Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him,
and he will bring justice to the nations.
2 He will not shout or cry out,
or raise his voice in the streets.
3 A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.
In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; 4 he will not falter or be discouraged
till he establishes justice on earth.
In his teaching the islands will put their hope.'
In this verse the Prophet is talking about Jesus. He is talking about the character of Jesus and how he will interact with the people. And we see that carried out in Jesus life. We are called by this same Jesus to be like him in how we act and conduct our lives. Today, in the lives of the people I am serving with and in the lives of the people we are serving, I got to see this scripture fulfilled. I got to see our team wear play-doh ear rings, hugs given out generously, connections made between people who don't speak the same language, and who were complete strangers an hour ago.
I got see our team members going out of their way to show kindness, to make a child laugh, to rub a dogs belly, to work hard, to sweat, to endure blisters, to share their lunch with strangers, color pictures and play soccer, these are the things of justice, of hope and delight. All these things done in the name of our Lord, which were foretold by a prophet, and lived out by Jesus. Because we are his disciples, we too do the things that he did.
Out team was mostly up for the day by 7 am, we had chapel at 8 lead by the Yugo staff, breakfast at 8:30, and out to do kids ministry and construction by 9:15 am. Where we are doing ministry is about a 20 minute drive from where we are staying. Our team split into two team, Kids ministry and House building. The kids ministry team was dropped off in one part of the village and the build team went about .5 miles away to where they are constructing the house. Prior to us coming we had to decide what style of house we were going to build. We chose a three room house that has two bed rooms and a common room. The cost of the house is approximately $4000. The cement slab was poured prior to our arrival, so that when we arrive we could complete the construction in 4 days. Below are some pictures of our progress in one day.
The build team is further split up into the cut team, that measures and cuts all the lumber. The framing team that does all the construction. And the paint team that does all the painting. Our construction Manager assigned to us was very pleased with our progress and said we are ahead of schedule. Te single mom we are building for worked along side us painting and cleaning brushes, as did her mom and dad, and her pastor and the pastors husband. Her brother also helped with framing and we from time to time played peak a boo with the kids amongst the 2x4's and other construction material.
The kids ministry team spent the morning looking for kids and ad a really cool connection with a government run day care program that works with kids whose parents are gone 5 days a week. We were told because it is government run we could teach about Jesus, but we could teach moral lesions, and we don't need to say the name of Jesus to love the kids with his love. We found these kids really responded to our attention that we gave them. In the afternoon the kids ministry was able to teach some sports with a different set of kids at a church. No restrictions here so crafts, games and sharing stories filled the time.
Some quotes by team members include: "they are so happy and they have nothing."
"I need to be more content with what I have already been blessed with."
It was really neat to be able to connect with some one, become friends and we didn't even speak the same language.
Lots of God honoring work is ahead for tomorrow!
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